In 2024, HEP will be developing a new Action Agenda that outlines the major goals and objectives of our Program and partners for the next 10 years. Through this process we seek to:  Make all partners feel ownership of the new Action Agenda; ​Ensure that we are addressing the needs of the Estuary and all of its communities; Develop actions that are reflective of estuarine challenges, community needs and partner priorities.

We are asking NGOs/Community-Based Partners to host in-person community engagement sessions, this spring and early summer, and gather members of their community to share their vision for the estuary and the challenges and opportunities that need to be addressed.

HEP will provide small grants ranging between $2,000-$4,000 to a limited number of organizations that apply to host one of these community engagement sessions. Organizations interested in hosting should apply at least 20 days before their proposed community engagement session date. HEP will make small grant decisions on a rolling basis.
