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Advancing Green Infrastructure

Conceptual Design of a standard NYC DEP Right of Way Bioswale, Image courtesy of NYC DEP.

Green infrastructure (GI) is a crucial tool for improving water quality in the urbanized Harbor Estuary. Local communities and property owners require assistance in terms of planning, designing, and managing implementation of GI options. To adopt GI, local communities, property owners, and utility managers seek guidance to analyze GI at sewershed and watershed scales. The New York-New Jersey Harbor & Estuary Program (HEP) worked with a variety of stakeholders to analysis GI in the City of Perth Amboy, New Jersey. A report, prepared by eDesign Dynamics for HEP, details the benefits of incorporating GI in Long Term Control Plans (LTCPs) for combined sewer overflow (CSO) mitigation by  analyzing green infrastructure implementation in two model sewersheds the City of Perth Amboy.  The report will help to inform other CSO municipalities and utilities seeking to address the CSO permit and LTCP requirements and advance GI technology. The report was prepared in partnership with the City of Perth Amboy and Perth Amboy SWIM (Storm Water Infrastructure Management), a municipal action team championing GI in the community.


Related Resources

Evaluating Green Infrastructure

The report provides guidance to CSO permittees within New Jersey to evaluate GI as part of their LTCPs.

Jersey Water Works

Jersey Water Works is an effort of many organizations who work to transform NJ's inadequate water infrastructure. Advancing GI is one of many goals identified in the annual workplan.

NYC SWIM Coalition

SWIM is a coalition of 70+ organizations who are dedicated to ensuring swimmable, fishable waters around NYC through natural, sustainable stormwater management practices.

Hudson River Foundation