Climate change is already contributing to warmer air and water temperatures, changes in precipitation patterns, increases in the number and magnitude of extreme weather events like hurricanes and drought, and rising sea levels. These changes are expected to increase in the future.
To meet these challenges, federal, state, local government, and civic initiatives are planning and advancing projects to address coastal erosion and flooding, manage stormwater and cloudburst events, and establish natural and nature-based resiliency features. These projects can also deliver important water quality, habitat, public access, and other benefits.
Building Community Capacity for Climate Resiliency
There is not a currently open RFP. Please check again in Fall 2024 for more information.
The New York-New Jersey Harbor & Estuary Program is requesting proposals to support disadvantaged communities seeking to advance research, planning, and/or infrastructure projects that will help build climate resiliency while addressing water quality and related management issues in those communities. HEP has adopted a definition of disadvantaged communities identified from the federal, state, and local perspective that can be explored using our mapping tool.
Click here to download an FAQ document for this grant.
Grant Deadlines: