The Contamination Assessment and Reduction Project (CARP) is a landmark, multi-decade project bringing together federal, state, and non-government partners to better understand and reduce contamination that is causing environmental harm and economic hardships within the New York/New Jersey Harbor. The project which originated in 1999 was designed to identify the sources of contaminants causing dredged material disposal problems, and to determine the length of time needed for dredged material to meet ocean disposal criteria. From 1992 – 2002 the project collected and analyzed extensive data on the contaminants in the water, biota and sediments in the Hudson Raritan Estuary and produced a suite of then state-of-the-science contaminant fate and transport models, collectively called the CARP model.
Building upon the foundation of the CARP monitoring and modeling efforts, CARP II collected and analyzed data and developed new and improved estimates of future dredged material quality and addressed important data and information gaps. The summary findings and technical reports can be found below.