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Grant Opportunities

There are a variety of funding sources outside of the Hudson River Foundation and the NY-NJ Harbor & Estuary Program (HEP) that support scientific research, community engagement, planning, and management of the Hudson River and its estuary. Alternate sources of funding are available on a federal, state, and local level.

Listed below are relevant funding opportunities currently accepting applications.

Fiscal Year 2021–2024: Broad Agency Announcement — Applications due September 30, 2024

This Broad Agency Announcement is a mechanism to encourage research, education and outreach, innovative projects, or sponsorships that are not addressed through NOAA’s competitive discretionary programs. This announcement is not soliciting goods or services for the direct benefit of NOAA. Funding for activities described in this notice is contingent upon the availability of Fiscal Year 2021, Fiscal Year 2022, Fiscal Year 2023, and Fiscal Year 2024 appropriations. Applicants are hereby given notice that funds have not yet been appropriated for any activities described in this notice. Publication of this announcement does not oblige NOAA to review an application beyond an initial administrative review, or to award any specific project, or to obligate any available funds.

Raritan Headwaters Association: Well Testing Program Internship — Applications due August 28, 2024

RHA is seeking candidates for the Well Testing Program Intern position for the fall of 2024. This internship offers an opportunity to gain valuable experience working with our organization, learning about the importance of drinking water testing and groundwater quality monitoring while engaging with and educating the community.

Interns will work closely with RHA’s Well Testing Program Manager to prepare for and participate in testing events. Responsibilities include assembling testing kits and materials, educating residents on relevant topics, and assisting with community outreach tasks and events.

To apply, send an email with “Well Testing Program Internship – Application – Last Name” in the subject line to Samantha LaRocca, Well Testing Program Manager, at slarocca@raritanheadwaters.org. Include a resume outlining relevant experience, skills, and interests; cover letters are encouraged.

Sloop Clearwater: Crew Jobs

The Clearwater is now accepting applications for the positions of Cook and Sailing Trainee for the 2024 season.

The Cook is responsible for planning and serving three well-balanced meals per day for all crew. Meals must be planned within budget limitations and time constraints, taking into account special dietary needs with a preference for local and sustainable food. The Cook maintains adequate provisions including propane supplies. They work closely with the Captain and Mate on meal scheduling and provisioning. The galley equipment and cooking utensils must be properly cleaned and maintained and the galley properly stowed. The Cook is expected to participate on deck when necessary. They are expected to train the crew in relief Cook duties. The Cook is expected to develop a working knowledge of the vessel and emergency procedures.

Under the direction of the First Mate, Sailing Trainees carry out the daily operations of the vessel, both during maintenance periods and underway, education or otherwise. They work closely with the volunteers in this capacity. As an entry-level position, Sailing Trainees are expected to take initiative to educate themselves in all aspects of vessel operations, safety and seamanship. Trainees are encouraged, but not required, to advance their skills and learn the skills of the professional crew (Mates/ Engineer/ Bosun/ Deckhand).

If you would like to apply, please email your resume and cover letter to captains@clearwater.org with the name of the role you are applying to in the subject line.

Hudson River Foundation