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Newtown Creek Fund

The Newtown Creek Fund is currently not accepting proposals.

The Newtown Creek Environmental Benefits Program (NCEBP) was created as part of an agreement between New York State and New York City to upgrade the Newtown Creek Water Pollution Control Plant and provide environmental benefits to the community. Funding is administered through the Hudson River Foundation, through its New York City Environmental Fund (NYCEF).

The NYCEF Newtown Creek Fund requests proposals for environmental education, public access and stewardship projects that will benefit communities along Newtown Creek, one of New York City’s six designated Maritime and Industrial Zones. In accordance with the settlement agreement between the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and New York City establishing the Fund, priority will be given to projects in and around Greenpoint, Brooklyn, and along Newtown Creek and the East River (both Brooklyn and Queens). The Newtown Creek Fund will provide financial support for qualifying projects that promote the environmental health and revitalization of natural resources and that increase public understanding of, access to and enjoyment of the environment within the target area.

While the Newtown Creek Fund is currently not accepting proposals, the following information is relevant for preparing a proposal when in the future a request for proposals may be announced.


Any nonprofit organization that qualifies as tax-exempt under Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code is eligible to apply for support from the NYCEF Newtown Creek Environmental Benefits Program. Additionally, schools and government agencies with qualifying projects may apply. Groups without 501(c)3 certification may, for the purposes of administration of a grant, associate with an organization that does qualify.

What is the size of the grants?

The range of grant awards will be generally between $5,000 and $25,000. Requests for larger grants will be considered for projects that provide a significant benefit to a very large number of people.

What kinds of projects are eligible?

The NYCEF Newtown Creek Fund seeks proposals for projects that:

  • Educate people about the value of natural resources, biodiversity and environmental protection.
  • Enhance access to natural areas and encourage stewardship activities to protect them.
  • Promote community involvement and encourage stewardship (personal and community responsibility and guardianship) for natural areas within the Fund’s target area.
  • Provide a framework for community stewardship and programming related to broader capital projects and improvements undertaken as part of the Newtown Creek Environmental Benefits Program.
  • Provide matching funds or can leverage funds from other sources.
  • Can eventually result in a self-sustaining program.
  • Directly involve communities that live and work in the target area.

Projects must obtain required permits (local, state and federal) prior to implementation.

How to Apply and Deadlines

For consideration in this grant cycle, completed proposal forms must be assembled and sent electronically to info@hudsonriver.org. To the extent possible, individual files should be combined before submission. The file names should include the applicant organization’s name (example: orgname_photos; orgname_application). The complete electronic file must be received by the Hudson River Foundation.

Additionally, five hard copies should be mailed to:

ATTN: Newtown Creek Fund
Hudson River Foundation
17 Battery Place, Suite 915
New York, NY 10004

The proposal submission should contain:

  1. NYCEF Newtown Creek Fund Proposal Form, below
  2. A copy of the organization’s tax exemption certification under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue code or an indication that the applicant is a subdivision of a government unit.
  3. Where appropriate: graphic representations of the project, such as maps, photos, plans, drawings, etc.; studies which support the need for the project, such as engineering or architectural studies; letters of support.

Application Materials

Hudson River Foundation