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HEP 2022 Restoration Conference: Our Urban Shores

To view recordings of the conference sessions, click on the session titles below.

This year’s HEP conference is focused on the habitat restoration of our vulnerable urban shorelines, highlighting the efforts of community leaders and restoration practitioners that are striving for effective and inclusive habitat enhancement. The conference will include sessions on centering the community in our work and the long-term lessons of past restoration projects in our region; examples of inspirational projects from other regions, and technical workshops and guidance for practitioners.

Conference Opening

Speakers: Lisa Garcia, Ana Baptista, Michele Langa, Robert Pirani, Elizabeth Balladares, Isabelle Stinnette

The conference began with a welcome from HEP and Hudson River Foundation staff, keynote remarks from Lisa Garcia, EPA Region II administrator.

Centering the Community in Habitat Enhancement Projects

Speakers: Ernest J. Tollerson III, Arif Ullah, Leslie Craig, Jamie Ong, Willis Elkins, Allison Fitzgerald

Speakers presented and discussed their experiences with centering the community in habitat enhancement projects.

Long Term Restoration Results and Lessons Learned in NY/NJ Harbor

Speakers: Terry Doss, Patti Rafferty, Marit Larson, Carl Alderson, Lisa Baron, Judith Weis

It’s been known for about two decades that a newly restored marsh may look like a natural one, but it takes a decade or two to achieve the biodiversity and ecosystem services of a natural marsh. Our speakers discussed information and lessons learned from long-term monitoring of restored marshes in the NY/NJ harbor estuary.

Nature-Based Shoreline Solutions in Urban Areas

Speakers: Todd Bridges, Donna Marie Bilkovic, Dianna Padilla, Brett Branco, Sarah Charlop-Powers

This panel explored how scientists and restoration practitioners are shaping best-practices for ecological enhancement on urban shorelines, and monitoring the beneficial effects of living shorelines in these vulnerable areas. This session was presented in partnership with NYC Nature Goals.

Meeting the Moment for Restoration

Speakers: NJDEP Commissioner Shawn LaTourette, Johnny Quispe, Nicole Miller, Chris Daggett, Meredith Comi

NJDEP Commissioner LaTourette spoke on the importance of climate, equity, and restoration. HEP’s work to accelerate implementation of the Bipartisan infrastructure Law was discussed, then a panel of experts built on our conversations during the week and addressed how they are meeting today’s critical challenges.

Shallow Water Enhancement in the Hudson Raritan Estuary: Challenges and Opportunities

Speakers: Steve Zahn, Lisa Wainger, Pete Malinowski, Thomas Grothues

This panel discussion explored the challenges to scaling-up shallow water enhancement projects in the HRE, the lessons learned so far, and opportunities to improve and advance projects over the next decade.

American River: Meet the Filmmaker

Moderated by Michele Langa, Scott Morris answered questions on his documentary film about the Passaic– American River.

Charting Restoration Progress and Mapping Environmental Indicators

Speakers: Rosana Pedra Nobre and Isabelle Stinnette

A presentation on how we are meeting restoration goals for the Hudson Raritan Estuary and how we can accelerate our progress. Featuring a showcase of the results from HEP’s 2020-2022 Restoration Progress report.

Society for Ecological Restoration: Recovery Wheel Training

In this training session, Matt Holthaus guided us through using the Recovery Wheel, a tool for assessing and ranking a site’s degree of recovery over time towards the quality of a natural reference site.

Hudson River Foundation