Tuesday, June 16, 2020 from 1:30 – 3:00 PM EST via Webinar
Due to safety concerns around the coronavirus outbreak, the Hudson River Foundation has postponed this seminar and moved to a webinar-only format for our Ned Ames spring seminar series. Please refer to our website for updated information on all upcoming events.
Consideration of green infrastructure for stormwater management is a required element for the long-term control plans being prepared to address combined sewer overflows (CSO) in New Jersey and New York. While water quality considerations drive decision-making, green infrastructure promises to deliver a suite of co-benefits that are not considered as part of the CSO policy but are often more important to community members. In many cases, green infrastructure is found to reduce the overall cost of a project, as opposed to using 100% grey infrastructure. The New York City Department of Environmental Protection and Philadelphia Water Department, working under legal consent orders, have implemented green infrastructure programs to address CSOs while also providing additional benefits to the community that fall outside of the CSO policy framework (e.g., green jobs). The panelists will discuss the challenges of launching innovative programs and their lessons learned to address community needs while meeting regulatory mandates.
Presentations by:
- Marc Cammarata, Deputy Commissioner of Planning & Environmental Services, Philadelphia Water Department
- Pinar Balci, Assistant Commissioner, New York City Department of Environmental Protection
- Jennifer Cass, Senior Vice President, Capital Program, New York City Economic Development Corporation
Moderated by:
- Andy Kricun, Senior Utility Adviser, Moonshot Missions and Senior Fellow, US Water Alliance