Common questions about the Striped Bass Tag Recovery Program.
Why are fish tagged?
Fish are tagged to get answers to a wide variety of questions concerning their abundance and behavior. Much has been learned about the migrational patterns of Hudson River striped bass through this program.
Where are tagged fish released?
Tagged striped bass are released at several sites located in the lower Hudson River and New York Harbor.
How long are the fish when they are tagged?
In the HRF program, most striped bass are between 7 and 12 inches when tagged.
How are the fish tagged?
The tag is placed into a small incision made in the area of the fish's belly. The wound is treated with a disinfectant and the fish is quickly placed back into the river.
Can I tag fish for the Hudson River Foundation?
HRF does not have a tagging kit for recreational anglers. Anglers can tag a wide variety of fishes through programs of the American Littoral Society:
American Littoral Society
18 Hartshorne Drive, Suite #1
Highlands, NJ 07732
Phone: 732-291-0055