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Improving Water and Sediment Quality

SUCCESS STORY: Contamination Assessment and Reduction Project

Dredged sediments and other materials were once disposed of in the offshore waters of the New York Harbor. But as the impacts of these now toxic contaminants grew, this practice was stopped. This created a dredging crisis: the harbor needs to be dredged so ships can continue to use the port but shipping dredged material to sites where it could be safely and legally disposed became prohibitively expensive. HRF was elected to lead the Contamination Assessment and Reduction Project (CARP), the largest contaminant assessment effort ever undertaken in the U.S. We brought together scientists and estuary managers, facilitated discussions, and produced a large set of baseline data characterizing levels of contaminants in sediment, water, biota, and wastewaters throughout the estuary. This deeper understanding helped lead to a comprehensive plan to manage the contaminated sediment. The Foundation continues in this leadership role and is central to efforts to address the ongoing problem.

The Hudson River Foundation works to improve water and sediment quality, and advance progress toward fishable and swimmable waterways. We fund research on the mechanics of sediment transport and the chemical effects of contaminants such as dioxins, PCBs, and PFAs chemicals. HRF-funded research has generated nearly 60 peer-reviewed papers and over 2,500 citations.

The New York - New Jersey Harbor & Estuary Program brings together key agencies, utilities, environmental organizations and other stakeholders to document water quality trends and to advance pollution reduction efforts across the bi-state waters of the estuary. Together, the information gathered can be used to help target investments in water management and guidance on public health concerns.


Hudson River Foundation